A registered nurse (RN) is a nurse who has graduated or successfully passed a nursing program from a recognized nursing school and met the requirements outlined by a country, state, province or similar government-authorized licensing body to obtain a nursing license. The American health industry is expanding at a rapid pace, creating an immediate need for medical professionals. Registered Nurses( RN) are currently in high demand for many reasons, including the development of new technology, an aging population and the retirement of nurses.  

 What is NCLEX- RN Examination? 

The NCLEX-RN, which stands for the National Council Licensure Examination [for] Registered Nurses (RN), is a computer adaptive test that is required for nursing graduates to successfully pass to be licensed as a Registered Nurse in the US and Canada.Anyone who wants to become a Registered Nurse in either the US or Canada, must pass the NCLEX-RN. 

The purpose of the NCLEX is to assess a candidate's ability to provide safe, effective nursing care upon entry into practice in the United States and its territories. Nurses will be tested on how they can use critical thinking skills to make nursing judgments. 

 The questions on the NCLEX Exam are based on what nurses have learnt in their practice which are assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. The distribution of questions are as below: 

Management of Care: 17%-23% of questions. 

Safety and Infection Control: 9%-15% of questions. 

Health Promotion and Maintenance: 6%-12% of questions. 

Psychosocial Integrity: 6%-12% of questions. 

Basic Care and Comfort: 6%-12% of questions. 

Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies: 12%-18% of questions. 

The exam is composed of primarily multiple-choice, four-option, text-based questions written at the application/analysis level of difficulty. These questions may include charts, tables, or graphic images. 

Other requirements for NCLEX-RN in the Unites States 

  1.  Applicants must be a registered nurse in Nepal.  Other educational qualifications may be required depending upon which state you are applying to.  
  2. A nursing qualification along with one year of work experience is mandatory. 
  3. A test-pass score in IELTS/TOEFL is required. OET ( Occupational English Test) is usually preferred it is specifically designed for health care professionals.  
  4. You may be required to submit a CES ( Credential Evaluation Service) registration to some US state boards.  
  5. You may be asked for a CGFNS( Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools) by some regulatory bodies in the United States.  

Course Start Dates 

  1. October Intake 
  2. December Intake 
  3. February Intake 
  4. April Intake 
  5. June Intake 
  6. August Intake 


Course Duration 

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